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The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Monday, March 31, 2025
The Echo

Tim Pietz


Taylor holds mixed priorities

Tim Pietz | Contributor To many students and faculty, it feels as though administration never asked if adding a Starbucks represented Taylor's values, benefited the community or even if the students wanted it. They just decided to build it. Now, a local coffee shop has closed its doors - and Taylor ...


Multiplayer video games build community

By Tim Pietz | Contributor I come from a competitive family. By "competitive," I mean when my dad taught me chess at age five, he would beat me and rub it in my face. Naturally, my brothers and I are pretty intense when it comes to games. Maybe that's why single player video games bore me. Yes, a single ...


Where Does All of the Taylor University Tuition Go?

Tim Pietz | Contributor "I came for a visit, I fell in love with the place, I saw the tuition price, and I had a heart attack." That's how junior Sean Quillen describes his first experience with the financial side of Taylor University. "Where does it all go?" asked senior Hope Bolinger. "I'll just see ...

The Echo

Our wound: a white kid’s questions on racial reconciliation

By Tim Pietz | Contributor I am a white male. Growing up, I lived in several different states, but each place was basically a suburban white middle-class neighborhood. I was homeschooled, which, for all its benefits, limited my understanding of mainstream culture. I always knew racism was wrong. I never ...


The glitches of gaming

By Tim Pietz | Contributor Eyes glazed. Spindly limbs folded. Appendages twitching. Is it dead? No-it's a gamer. You've heard the critics: video games are antisocial, addictive time-wasters. Yet passionate gamers defend their hobby, citing artistic merit and community building. Gaming certainly affects ...

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