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The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
The Echo

Meredith Sell


Making coffee, not judgments

By Meredith Sell | Faculty Contributor When I finished at Taylor in January 2014, I had reached conclusions about what the Bible said on homosexuality. For entirely unrelated reasons, I was wrestling with my faith and wondering if I should even call myself a Christian. A week after graduation, I moved ...


A servant’s heart

By Meredith Sell | Echo Forty-eight years ago, the Taylor Dining Commons looked very different. Different, meaning it didn't exist. All meals were served in the current Student Union, what Director of Food Services Jerry Nelson, 63, calls "the dome." "Cottage cheese would be in a dish, and your cole ...


Flying free

By Meredith Sell | Echo Mankind's dream of flight came true more than 100 years ago, in 1903, when the Wright brothers successfully flew their first manned aircraft. Since then, flight has been used primarily for warfare and transportation purposes, abbreviating trips that once took months to just a ...


Gloves on, fists up

By Meredith Sell | Echo Branden Lockett, 19, punches his brother repeatedly. Sweat dripping from his face, mouthguard covering his teeth, he throws one fist and then the other. His brother, Chuck, 17, returns the favor, thick boxing gloves hitting hard against Branden's bare torso. Off to the side of ...


Art of restoration

By Meredith Sell Step inside the Blackford County Arts Center in downtown Hartford City, and your eyes are immediately drawn up. Art hanging on the white-washed walls surrenders its hold on your attention to the pressed tin ceiling 20 feet overhead, a relic from the late 1800s. The tin tiles curve where ...


Bibles on the bar counter

By Meredith Sell "There are a lot of ways that people can come to Jesus," Rob Neel, pastor of Upland United Methodist, said as he sat in his church's library. "There's only one person that got blinded. There's only one person that he met at the well." Rob sees no reason to limit God's saving power to ...


Volleyball, Palestine and Coach Brittany Smith

By Meredith Sell The volleyball soars over the net, the quick return of a young woman who has a strong presence on the court. Her eyes are focused, barely blinking. She's quiet, except for the occasional outburst as she forces the ball back up and over. She's like any other athlete, with admirable posture ...


Serenity House

By Meredith Sell In the heart of Upland, surrounded by houses, trees and sky, a former church building with double front doors sits quietly. From the outside, it seems like nothing special, but as soon as you walk in, this facade falls away and you realize the place you've entered is more than what ...


Faux scholarship scams students

By Meredith Sell On Jan. 14, Director of Financial Aid, Tim Nace, sent a message through Student E-News warning of a scam. This scam,operating under the guise of the Robert Sterling Foundation, takes student banking information and uses it to withdraw money from students' accounts. "We encourage you ...

The Echo

Intramural system gets an overhaul

New system brings changes to payment, registration By Meredith Sell, Staff Writer Wings and floors are meeting a new system in campus intramurals this fall. Director for Campus Recreation Logan Denney and his student staff are working to build student involvement in recreational sports. "We want people ...

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