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You are the voice. We are the echo.
The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025
The Echo

Leah Ryg


Scared of the unknown

I am nostalgic to my core. I see it as both my greatest strength and my greatest weakness. It allows me to appreciate life for what it is and not live constantly in the future, but I also miss a moment before it's gone. Endings are hard for me and so is change, so as you can imagine, It was hard ...


Finding moms in Taylor's classrooms

Being a mother is a full-time job.Many mothers have two full-time jobs. Many faculty and staff at Taylor are also mothers. Children come, and with them comes the responsibility of another life to raise, teach and love. I got the opportunity to talk to two professors at Taylor who are mothers — Donna ...


Professor’s podcast creates community

Many of Taylor’s professors didn't major in education. They went to school for their respective disciplines, worked in their fields and then found their way to the classroom. Most didn’t have specific education on teaching, yet Taylor is full of incredibly talented professors. The Bedi Center ...

The Echo

What Taylor has taught us

 As Christmas Break approaches quickly, so does the end of a season at Taylor for many seniors graduating at the end of this semester. Looking back on the last few years, a few seniors share Taylor’s impact on their lives.

Gordon Jackson.JPG

Coffee shop revitalizes Hartford City history

“Warm industrial” best captures Gordon Jackson’s efforts to transform a former glass factory into a charismatic coffee shop.Warped glass windows and aged brick walls provide a stark contrast to the modern espresso bar running the length of the room. Original timber beams frame a space filled with ...


More than manna

Picture yourself hangry. You miss a meal or two, a switch is flipped and somehow an empty stomach manages to transform you into the worst version of yourself.“Hangry” is a slang term used when someone is angry because they are hungry. Just one hangry person can be a lot to handle, but imagine leading ...

The Echo

Home for the hygge holidays

The tables are set and the food is cooked. It’s Thanksgiving. You are home, wherever that may be. Yet, as you look around, ask yourself, “Am I counting blessings or comparing complaints?” Do you find yourself in a season of thankfulness or discontentment? Going through the motions is how a lot ...


Finsh strong, students

The end is on the horizon. Professors are trying to squeeze every last bit of information in before we head home for Thanksgiving. Semester projects and papers seem to be piling up and to do lists are doubling in size. In order to survive and possibly even thrive this season try to adopt these helpful ...


Fall food favorites

There is a crisp smell in the air. The trees are a full array of reds and oranges. Boots and sweaters are making their annual comeback. What does this mean? Fall is back, and with it comes its seasonal staple foods. Without a proper kitchen, it can be hard to make food that has that same feel as a home-cooked ...

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Leah Ryg

Leah Ryg

Leah Ryg discusses the various pros of thrifting in Everyday Ethical

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