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The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
The Echo

Kari Travis


Love out loud

By Kari Travis | Echo I hate goodbyes. That's why I put off this article all week. That's why it's taken me three hours of typing, deleting and retyping to produce any complete sentences. Because to say a proper farewell, I have to reveal your feelings. Tears must be shed. Laughter must be shared. Memories, ...


Dancing out of darkness

This is the second article in a series that explores issues often viewed as too sensitive for public discussion. Our intent as a newspaper is not to provoke controversy, but rather to spur on authentic dialogue and positive vulnerability among Taylor's students. The story below explores what it is like ...


Perking it up

By Kari Travis | Echo Coffee shops have turned into a sort of soul-sucking, fast-food routine that requires us to make half a dozen snap decisions about one cup of Joe in roughly 8.5 seconds. And contrary to the claim Tom Hanks makes in "You've Got Mail," our Starbucks experience no longer costs just ...


GPA won’t get you pay

By Kari Travis | Echo I'll never forget the day my dream died. My dream of graduating magna cum laude, that is. It was a moment that brought me to my knees. Okay, fine. So I'm exaggerating. It wasn't that traumatic, and it certainly didn't cause failure in maintaining an upright stance. In fact, it ...


Teacher of the Year comes to Taylor

By Kari Travis | Echo Jeff Charbonneau grew up believing he could achieve anything, and that he could inspire confidence in others. Now, this science teacher from Washington State is named the National Teacher of the Year-and is currently touring the U.S. as a motivational speaker. His next stop is ...

The Echo

Faculty lunch policy reconsidered at Grille

By Kari Travis | Echo Lunchtime at the Grille draws hordes of hungry students. Grinders sizzle, quesadillas crisp and chocolate chunk cookies sell like Airband tickets at the late-night show. But when the clock strikes 11:50 a.m., students' smiles turn to frowns as they trudge away from the campus cafeteria ...


A professor remembers Nelson Mandela

By Kari Travis | Echo He passed away the evening of Dec. 5 at the age of 95. Rest In Peace Nelson Mandela. You changed this world. @CNN - OutFrontCNN (@OutFrontCNN) December 6, 2013 He is described as a freedom-fighter, a statesman and a symbol of the fight against racial oppression. But to those who ...


STORIFY: TU proves stronger than the storm

Kari Travis | The Echo Tornado watches and warnings turned from rumor to reality across the Midwest Sunday afternoon. While meteorologists monitored storm patterns, Taylor students took cover wherever possible, waiting-and wondering-when the rain and winds would subside. (Thumbnail ...


The criteria of consideration

By Kari Travis | Echo I live by something I like to call the "curb list." The premise is simple. If a guy I am dating fails to meet any criterion on the list, he gets kicked to the curb. These criteria aren't forgiving, either. If he fails to open doors for me, he gets kicked to the curb. If he fails ...


VIDEO: Taylor's class of 1988 cracks open time capsule

By Kari Travis | Echo Video produced by Kevin Schillinger and Trent Stegink | Echo Editor's Note: In our second digital feature, The Echo looks inside the time capsule buried 25 years ago by the senior class of 1988. The capsule, opened for the first time during Homecoming on Oct. 12, is now open for ...

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