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The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Monday, Feb. 24, 2025
The Echo

Hanson Reed


Well, that's comforting

By Hanson Reed | Echo I wash my clothes as little as possible. I dry clean my jeans by hanging them over a chair for a few days before rotating them back into action. I've got a wool flannel going on a month and a half of near-constant wear because I just can't make it stink. Synthetic stuff reeks whether ...


All things in due season

By Hanson Reed | Echo This is a call to arms. The battle is bloody, the lines drawn tearing the bonds of family and roommate-hood asunder. I will not speak of peace nor quarter; I will not speak of tolerance nor understanding. I will speak only of fighting for what is right. Though the world closeth ...


To Russia, with documents

By Hanson Reed | Echo It sounds like I'm pitching a movie. I'm not pitching a movie. It should be a movie. Actually, I hear one is being made. But folks, this is real life, and it all went down this year. Edward Snowden's Wikipedia page reads like an espionage thriller that would make Tom Clancy jealous. ...


Bye-bye, iOS pie

Hanson Reed | Echo I will be the first to admit I'm usually behind the times when it comes to adopting the latest technological trends. My household didn't have a working computer for much of my childhood, and my mother had a Facebook account long before I did. Google held no place in my life until ...


Equal pay for unequal work

Hanson Reed | Echo A Big Mac: delicious (to some), consistent, classic - and cheap? The iconic burger is in the middle of a whirlwind of public debate following recent protests over McDonald's low wages. The federal minimum wage is set at $7.25 per hour, but employees are arguing that such compensation ...


The Breakfast Club

Hanson Reed | Echo Grass is generally greener in areas with more rainfall. More rainfall could imply more cloud cover. Cloudy weather can be a key factor in certain types of depression. What I'm saying is that things aren't always as they first appear. In the weeks and months ahead, you will hear the ...

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