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You are the voice. We are the echo.
The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Friday, March 28, 2025
The Echo

Hank Voss

The Echo

Reflections from a (mostly) former chapel skipper

My friend Francis has participated in well over 98,000 chapels. His intentional community in California (St. Andrews Abbey, Los Angeles) takes discipleship seriously. Francis’ participation in chapel five times a day for over 50 years has made him a different kind of human being — one marked by a beautiful, deep peace and joy (Psalm 92:14).

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A penny found in a Taylor parking lot

I learned the value of picking up pennies in parking lots from 77-year-old Otha Anders. In 2015 Anders exchanged over 500,000 pennies found over the previous four decades. He explained that the $5000.00 he received for the pennies, were far less valuable to him than the 500,000 thankfulness reminders ...

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