PAX’s Rage Room gives students the chance to smash their stress
By Contessa Hussong | December 3Christmas might preach peace and joy, but the end of semester stress and traveling troubles may leave some feeling more grinchy than graceful.
Christmas might preach peace and joy, but the end of semester stress and traveling troubles may leave some feeling more grinchy than graceful.
With only an hour to complete each painting of her Go For It assignment, Mantha Brownson, a junior art education major, has found that the answer comes in embracing the fluidity of her medium.
‘How are you doing?’ is not a greeting. Or it should not be, at least from the perspective of junior Sarah Johnson, a communication major. Instead, she believes it should be an invitation for connection and true community.
Even as the last flowers of summer begin to wilt, Liv Bloom, director of both Breuninger (Breu) and Gerig Halls, hopes to foster growth in the communities around her.
“Life to the Full” doesn’t always mean living life at its most eventful.
Taking place from Oct. 4–6, the Hartford City Civil War Days will feature reenactors who, for a few short days, live, fight, cook and sleep like soldiers from the time period.
There’s a relational shift that comes with the end of each school year.
Fearfully and wonderfully made — this is how our Father created us.
Ministry doesn’t always come from the pulpit.
Freshman music composition major Autumn Lindahl plays the piano.
This story mistakenly credits Sam Maurer as the writer of the article; the correct author is Dalton Jones, as are all design credits for the story graphics.