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The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Monday, March 31, 2025
The Echo

Austin Lindner

The Echo

Grandma Gracie

By Austin Lindner | Echo As every dainty flower in the meadow must inevitably wilt, so must every Grandma Gracie move on to better things. On Thursday morning at approximately 4 a.m., the Campbell Senior Center lost a treasured community member and bingo enthusiast. In a freak quilting accident, the ...


Meeting Superman

By Austin Lindner | Echo Superman wasn't wearing his cape when I met him at Walmart. He told me he had left it at home. In fact, I almost didn't even notice Superman until I quickly turned the corner of the electronics aisle and stubbed my toe on his battered wheelchair. "I think I peed a little. Did ...

Arts & Life

15 minutes

By Austin Lindner | Echo A shimmer of exhaust from the tour bus rose into the Greek night sky as 47 Taylor students piled into their vehicle. After finding their seats, the Taylor Concert Chorale quickly swapped shiny black concert shoes for worn sneakers or flats, in comical contrast with their ...


Parnassus in progress

By Danielle Barnes | The Echo Parnassus, the official literary journal of the English department, showcases the immense creativity of student writers each spring. This year, the Parnassus team decided on the theme "Forge" under the leadership of its head editor, senior Malinda Patterson. According ...


Down the Rabbit Hole

By Austin Lindner | Echo There is a house on the Mitchell Theatre stage. Not the suggestion of a house or the frame of a house, but the real thing. A messy drawing hangs on the door of the humming fridge in the kitchen-a little red handprint in paint, stamped atop a scribble of color. The window above ...


Films for failures

By Austin Lindner | Echo As Valentine's Day slinks around the corner, waiting to pounce and devour us along with our chocolate hearts, maybe you're not feeling the holiday spirit as much as society says you should. Perhaps as a single, you're having difficulty sidestepping the couples making out on ...

Arts & Life

The movers and shakers

By Austin Lindner | The Echo The Butz-Carruth Recital Hall stage is set for the stories that often go unheard. This weekend's performance of the musical "Working" is not about the stars that glide through headlines or the names we read in history books. This musical is about ordinary people, the men ...


Deck the box office

By Austin Lindner | Echo With students out of school and vacations beginning, the holiday season is a crucial time at the box office. When your options for holiday viewing range from a Christmas monster to the history of the Miracle Mop, it can be difficult to decipher which film to see with the family. In ...


Mockingjay's final flight

By Austin Lindner | Echo In one final gust of flames, the series about the "Girl on Fire" has come to an end. Since it's apparently impossible to finish a franchise without splitting the last story into two installments, Nov. 20 saw the release of "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2." In case you've ...


No, bro

By Austin Lindner | Echo I'm aware that I'm not your typical male. For me, going to a football game is about as much fun as watching a bunch of squirrels fighting over an acorn for three hours. I'm unashamed to admit that I took an hour nap at the theater during one of the 87 "Fast & Furious" movies. Growing ...

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