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The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Sunday, Feb. 23, 2025
The Echo

Alyssa Roat


Ten things you must do to graduate Taylor

By Alyssa Roat | EchoGraduation is almost upon us. Our graduates have studied, worked, slaved, cried, wailed, despaired, sobbed in library study rooms and tried to drown their sorrows in DC desserts, but with tests taken, classes passed and final projects complete, they have conquered. Or have they? ...

The Echo

Taylor University survival guide's Urban Dictionary

[caption id="attachment_16449" align="alignleft" width="300"] Alyssa defines those tricky acronyms for Taylor students.[/caption] By Alyssa Roat | Echo There are a lot of strange words, acronyms and phrases at Taylor. "DTR." "Walk the Loop." "LTC." What do they all mean? Luckily, the Taylor Survival ...


Taylor singers make a splash in the Bahamas

By Alyssa Roat | Echo This spring break, Taylor Sounds and Chorale hosted the Bahamas' biggest concert of the year. From TV interviews to orphanage performances to the final Grand Concert attended by hundreds and filmed by the Bahamas' largest broadcaster, Taylor's singers made a splash in the Bahamas. However, ...


Conquering the Meme War

By Alyssa Roat | Echo Here at the Taylor University Survival Guide, we've been with you through the ups and downs, helping you succeed in this crazy world we call the Taylor bubble. Whether it was beating the heat, surviving the great Taylor ice rink or making it through finals, we had you covered. ...


How to Use the University Library

By Alyssa Roat | Echo Have you ever visited Zondervan Library? Some might answer, "Yes, I live there." Some may never have stepped foot within its bookish doors. However, for veteran and newbie alike, there's plenty to learn about how to use the library properly. The book drop is a noisemaker. ...


Survival Guide

By Alyssa Roat | Staff Writer Sure, there's still snow on the ground, but do you know what time it is? Spring semester. And you don't have a ring. Everyone knows that if you aren't engaged by Spring semester, you aren't a true Taylor student, and you need to up your intentional community game. But don't ...

The Echo

Seeing Paul through the eyes of an enemy

By Alyssa Roat | Echo Starved for a book that is not a textbook, but still want to learn something? You might want to check out "The Keeper's Crown" by Nathan D. Maki. Quintus always dreamt of winning the victor's crown. As the son of a general for Rome, it seemed within his grasp. But once his boyhood ...


Crash course in 3,000 years of history

By Alyssa Roat | Echo "Not many people can say they got to go to Egypt with an Egyptologist," junior Samantha Collins said. This J-term, Jan. 5-22, Kevin Johnson, chair of the history, global and political science department and assistant professor of history, traveled to Egypt with his wife and eight ...

Arts & Life

A bright spot in winter white

By Alyssa Roat | Echo For those who braved the cold of J-Term, the Student Activities Council put together a night of art and music to brighten up the winter doldrums. According to junior J-Term Student Activities Council President Carlee Svec, Coffee and Canvas has been a J-Term tradition for the past ...

The Echo

Christmas Break Survival Guide

By Alyssa Roat | Echo Christmas break approaches, the merriest time of year! But there's one thing you'll be missing: your friends. So what do you do during Christmas break when you're longing for your best buds? When the loneliness creeps in? When you can hardly remember what it's like to speak ...

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