Life & Times
Lighthouse engages students
Taylor World Outreach (TWO) is working to get more students on trips with their new mobilization campaign, promoting student involvement in Lighthouse trips.
Opportunities to reduce waste
Sustainability options while at college can feel limited but even small choices make a big difference.
Taylor’s 2023-24 yearbook wins first place
Overflow, Taylor University’s 2023-2024 yearbook, placed first place first in the 2024 Scholastic Yearbook from the American Scholastic Press Association.
MuKappa creates bridges to home at Taylor
Calvin Lewis, junior illustration major and co-president of MuKappa, landed at the Indianapolis airport after his first solo flight. Without much luggage or experience traveling, he set out to Taylor University to start his college education.
Carry the Love inspires student spiritually
As a part of the Circuit Riders movement, Carry the Love was a two-part event that provided students with an opportunity to pray, worship and discuss how God is moving in their lives and what they can do to spread the word of the gospel.
Foodie Fix: Editors share their thoughts on local coffee shops
College students thrive on the existence of one substance — coffee. In the surrounding Marion and Hartford City areas, there are dozens of coffee shops. Some are the perfect afternoon retreat for students to relax and sip while doing homework. Others lack in the most important areas — the quality of their coffee.
Gothis talk for Significant Marriage event
Warm, golden sunshine poured through the windows of Habecker South Hall on the evening of Feb. 20 as Dave and Mary Gothi, a self-described “unlikely couple,” took the stage to introduce themselves to students and faculty at Taylor.
‘Propping’ up production: an inside look at TU theater prop work
An empty canvas, a widened lens, a dark set: this is the hallowed ground of visual arts.
WTUR hosts shows in new space
WTUR has a new recording studio in Horne Academic Center.
‘Love on the Line’ event ushers fun connections
Taylor University and Indiana Wesleyan University students sought love across school lines this Valentine's Day in a game-show style event, “Love on the Line.”
24 Hours of Prayer inspires student engagement
On Feb. 6, students experienced community and time of prayer through a 24 Hours of Prayer event. Starting at 7 a.m., students signed up for 30-minute time slots to pray for the student body, staff and faculty.
Hope in hardship: LeBlanc shares testimony
"Christianity isn’t for strong people,” said Ben LeBlanc after months in a wheelchair. “It’s for weak people.”
Mental health resources bring fellowship
The Counseling Center’s spring semester group therapy meetings began last week, led by Kylene Kindred. One group will focus on anxiety and stress management and the other will focus on grief.
J-term, spring semester creates whiplash
Culture shock, according to Cambridge Dictionary, is “a feeling of confusion felt by someone visiting a country or place that they do not know.”
Film department looks back fondly at time in Rupp, from gleaming new Horne
Taylor University’s film department has traded the familiar walls of Rupp Communication Arts Center for the state-of-the-art Horne Academic Center, ushering in a new chapter for faculty and students alike.
Students and faculty discuss responsible but generous giving
According to the saying, it is better to give than receive. But does that adage still hold true for the typical college student who is running short on funds? According to Elizabeth Shatzer, a music education sophomore, the answer is yes.
TU apartment leaders prepare students
With a growing number of students opting for on-campus apartment housing, upperclassmen adjust the way they do “life together.”
Christmas liturgies give people the opportunity to remember
Hopefully, everyone is brushing their teeth.
PAX’s Rage Room gives students the chance to smash their stress
Christmas might preach peace and joy, but the end of semester stress and traveling troubles may leave some feeling more grinchy than graceful.