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The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2025
The Echo

Class of 1970 offers ministry grants

Grants reflect history of campus ministries

Taylor University’s class of 1970 is offering grants of up to $1,000 to those who want to pursue ministry opportunities or conduct faith-based research on campus. 

The endowment agreement states that the grants — titled the Ministry Opportunities and Christian Foundation Endowment — are intended to “encourage current faculty and students to engage in ministry opportunities and to study, teach and practice the Christian faith” amid the “human philosophies and traditions” encroaching on the church.

"I would say ministry isn't a project or an activity, it's really an overflow of our life with God,” Mike Severe, professor of Christian ministries, said. “So as we're living and abiding with him, then our life is going to produce actions in alignment with that relationship, which means that these ministry grants are probably just opportunities to continue or to develop the work God's already doing in us and through us with other people.”

Among other projects, past campus ministries have included “Educational Opportunities for Geeks under Grace,” “Free Taylor University Couples Workshop,” “Men of Morris Book Study,” “Summer 2022 International Practicum,” “The Redeem Project” and “The Spiritual Disciplines Study” Amanda Wilson, director of special projects, said.

Individual grants are capped at $1,000 per year, though awards may increase in proportion to the funds available, the endowment said. A committee of alumni from the class of 1970 will judge the proposals for “creativity, reach and impact” and submit a list of finalists to Wilson. 

She and Brad Yordy, senior executive director of advancement, will then determine who will receive the funds.

To apply for the grant, students must have their department’s approval, as well as acquire a faculty sponsor to oversee and budget their project. Students and faculty must include in their application a budget proposal and a 500-word essay explaining how their project will meet the needs of University residents.

Many in the class of 1970 had been “personally impacted by campus and para-campus ministries during their time at Taylor,” according to the endowment. Class of 1970 alum Steve Manganello said that Taylor’s missional ethos was a major driver to create a fund for would-be ministers.

“Taylor has a unique history of incubating ministries,” Manganello said. “They come from the students themselves – they get an idea, they run with it.”

He cited Venture for Victory, a globe-trotting basketball halftime ministry that got its start in Taylor. In one trip, he said, volunteers played a team in Taiwan and shared their faith during halftime.

“Venture for Victory really became the template for Athletes in Action and Fellowship of Christian Athletes and InterVarsity and Campus Crusade for Christ…,” he said. “If the truth be known, you know that it just grew into all these other sports-related ministries.”

He also mentioned Wandering Wheels, a campus ministry founded by Bob Davenport, the head coach of the Taylor University football team from 1957-1966. The ministry involved coast-to-coast bicycling and putting on gospel-centered programs in churches and armories and state parks across America, Manganello said. 

The first Wandering Wheels trip was a 1,000-mile ride down the Great River Road in 1964, according to a Facebook post

“If you go back to a 1970 yearbook–71, 2, 3, 5–everybody's got Wandering Wheels listed as one of their activities,” Manganello said.

The class of 1970 also donated the Rock Memorial, an arrangement of memorial stones on the east side of Zondervan Library. 

All applicants must submit their proposals by March 24, 2025, with grant awards being announced the week of May 19th and funding made available on June 1. Any faculty who receive funds are required to submit a one-page report on the use of said funds by May 15, 2026.

Faculty and students are encouraged to complete the proposal application at: