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You are the voice. We are the echo.
The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Friday, March 28, 2025
The Echo

Your 'Kairos' Moment

If there were one character trait your class has embodied over the last four years, it would be “perseverance.” You began your college career during one of the most tumultuous times in modernity, marked by the global coronavirus pandemic, the 2020 presidential election and the corresponding fissures in the social milieu, violent conflicts around the globe, and multiple Taylor Swift albums. Yet, here you are at the conclusion of your Taylor University education. You, indeed, have persevered. 

“Time” is an interesting concept in the New Testament. The Greek word typically used is chronos, which refers to “counting time.” This is the kind of time you count, such as the seconds remaining until class ends, so you can beat the rush to Chick-fil-A for lunch. Or the 70 minutes for the dryer to run its course in Olson, or the 1.3 seconds from Gavin Yoon’s release of the ball until his 3-pointer sunk through the hoop this year’s Silent Night, transforming Odle Arena from silence into celebration.

There is another word for “time” in the New Testament—kairos. This sort of time refers to opportune moments. When a guy walks the Loop with that “friend” from his psychology class and realizes she is becoming more than a friend, that is a kairos moment. When a member of our championship-bound baseball team comes up to bat with the bases loaded with a chance to win the game, that is a kairos moment. As you walk across the Commencement stage, you are entering a kairos moment. Scripture offers a couple of guidelines for navigating these moments well.

First, enter with joy. Jesus’ half-brother, James, authored a letter to the “twelve tribes” of Israel in the years following Stephen’s martyrdom to encourage the faithful. He knew this was a kairos moment, so he admonished them in James 1 to consider this trial as “an opportunity for great joy.” What a good word! Whatever difficulties arise as you transition from Taylor and land in new spaces, approach these moments with a joyful heart. When our faith is tested, our perseverance can grow.

Second, ask for wisdom. James continues, saying, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you.” We are not left alone to navigate these important moments on our own. Proverbs 3 reminds us that we can trust in the Lord, and we should not lean on our own understanding. “In all your ways, acknowledge God, and He will direct your paths.” Ask God to guide you as you enter this new, exciting season. He will grant you all the wisdom you need.

Finally, find your rest in God. We strengthen our faith in God by placing our full confidence in Him. As you enter this kairos moment, I encourage you to lean into the spiritual disciplines we have encouraged throughout your time at Taylor. Get involved in a local church and keep the Sabbath, read Scripture daily, pray to the Lord throughout your day, and become active in a small group of Christian fellowship. These time-proven practices will serve you exceedingly well as you begin anew.

Graduates, we are so proud of you and all that you have done during your years at Taylor. Thank you for blessing our campus. From the classroom to the residence hall, from the stage to the playing field, you have been shaped and equipped to persevere, to take advantage of this kairos moment in your lives, to serve and to lead. As you commence from here, may you minister Christ’s redemptive love, grace and truth to a world in need.