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The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Thursday, March 6, 2025
The Echo

IXL club grows, students learn to respond to financial callings

Members learn how to invest with purpose

The Kingdom-minded investment club (IXL) grows as students become interested in finances on campus. 

 “IXL is a club focused on bridging a gap between college life and the professional life,” IXL President Jordan Dutcher said. “It creates an opportunity to learn more from professionals in a welcoming and inclusive environment.”  

Last school year, IXL had one member in the club. This year, numbers have increased to 60 members — most being freshmen. 

The IXL staff welcomes all people and majors to join because financial success is applicable to everyone. 

IXL has taken the values of Timothy 4:12 and applied them to standards that each member should uphold. Speech, conduct, love, faith and purity are some scriptural applications they hold in high regard. 

“I guess IXL is established to engage with, learn from and participate in an extension of student-managed investment fund the endowment team,” Dutcher said. “So you can glorify God in our faithful stewardship of his money.”

A key lesson taught in IXL is how to manage finances through a biblical lens. Students will learn to handle and invest money in the stock market as well as create budgets. 

In order to do this, the Club has an endowment fund so that the investing principles may be taught effectively through active participation. 

“What I love about the student-managed investment fund is it is real money,” Jody Hirschy, associate dean of business and leadership, said. “There are very few universities who have, as a percentage of their endowment, that significant number we do to give students that hands-on learning in the real world.”

The fund consists of $4.7 million that is managed by students on campus. 

The money began with a small amount but has grown over the years due to the proper investments of the students. 

“So, it’s easy for example, in a case study to be like, ‘How might you invest this money?’ where there are no consequences or no ramifications,” Hirschy said. “But when you are investing millions of dollars on behalf of the university, those decisions matter.” 

Though the club is teaching students how to make and invest money, that is not the objective. One of the goals is stewardship. 

Stewardship towards peers, authority and everything in between is something God is calling his followers to actively live out. 

“We need to prepare ourselves to be able to take up the heavy responsibility of stewarding God’s resources on earth,” Alice Tsang, professor of finance, said.  

Another goal is to help each student recognize which investments are smart and God gave clear instructions on how to handle finances. 

Tsang holds a high value on promoting financial literacy and teaches the foundations for it within IXL.  

A smaller group of invested IXL students may also dive into the morals of a company to be sure that they are supporting one that doesn’t go against biblical morals.  

“I believe this club really brings to light how you can help others and also help yourself,” Dutcher said.  

IXL brings in guest speakers to help members apply content to improve their skills and help each other grow in financial decision-making. 

Kingdom-minded Investment Club is an environment where students are able to seek and share Christ through a love for financial engagement.  

“IXL leaders equip the members for the ultimate mission which God has placed upon his followers,” Hirschy said.   

IXL will be holding a kick-back event twice a semester. This includes pizza, fellowship and games where people are able to get to know each other better. The club also hosts biweekly meetings for an hour, open to anyone who is interested.