Author bio: Hey! I’m Journey Cornett. I’m a freshman majoring in film and media production with a minor in entrepreneurship. I’m from Cambridge City, Indiana and have five younger siblings. I love photography, traveling, music, listening to stories and meeting new people!
True Friend
Through thick and thin they’re there for me
In the midst of trials they watch out for me
They don’t gossip or put me down
They’ll pick me up if I’ve fallen to the ground
A real friend loves at all times
They celebrate my victories and weep when I cry
A real friend will be there to help
They’ll call and and they’ll reach out
If I begin to wander away from the faith
They’ll sit me down, put me in my place
If victory occurs, they’ll celebrate
They’ll be truly happy for me, no hidden hate
If I need to talk, they’ll listen without being judgmental
They live trustworthy and kind, it’s just that simple
A true friend is a gift from God
They’re loyal, incredible and loved
The question now is not “Do I have a friend like this?”
No, the question is something I’m still being taught
“Am I a friend like this?”