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The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Sunday, Feb. 23, 2025
The Echo
Only at Taylor Quiz picture.jpeg

Traditions only at Taylor

Take this short quiz to find what Taylor Tradition best fits your personality

One of the many things Taylor is known for is its rich history of traditions. 

Take this quiz to see what Taylor Tradition best fits your personality. 

  1. What is your Favorite meal?

  1. Lunch at Dashi 

  2. Late night Wendy’s run 

  3. Dinner at Chick-Fil-A 

  4. Breakfast at the dining commons

2. When you have a test to study for you will most likely... 

  1. Get a table at the student center to “study” but mostly will end up talking with anyone you see

  2. Cram the morning of the exam

  3. Get a study room at the library 

  4. Study in your dorm room 

3. What time do you normally go to bed?

  1. After 12 a.m. 

  2. After 2 a.m.

  3. Before 10 p.m. 

  4. Never 

4. Who would your go to option be for a pick-a-date?

  1. A stranger 

  2. Someone from your brother or sister wing

  3. Your VC (Visual Crush)

  4. A friend

5. Which vacation would you choose?

  1. The beach 

  2. Going on hikes in the mountains 

  3. An amusement park 

  4. Stay at your house on a staycation 

6. Which Genre of music do you enjoy most?

  1. Indie 

  2. Rap 

  3. Holiday music 

  4. Pop 

7. What would you do if you had an hour of free time?

  1. Go to Starbucks 

  2. Work out

  3. Take a nap 

  4. Read your Bible

  • Mostly A’s: Pick-a-dates 

You're fairly outgoing and thrive in large groups. Small talk is a strong suit of yours. You aren't super picky about what event you are at as long as there are people around you. You love meeting new people and building fresh connections. As long as someone is willing to jump in with you, you’ll have a great night!

  • Mostly B’s: Boxer Run 

You most likely are confident and don’t really care much about what others think of you. You can get a little competitive in almost anything, but this can be a positive asset for you in a lot of cases. You take charge in new situations and aren’t scared to make a statement in how you act, what you say and things you wear. 

  • Mostly C’s: Silent Night

You love adventure and you’re the life of the party! You spend a lot of your time with your friends. You are a planner and like to have things set out well in advance. You live for the excitement and time with your people. 

  • Mostly D’s: All Campus Communion 

You are determined. You love intentional conversations with people. You can often be found with coffee in hand while sitting across the table from someone new. You came to Taylor for the community, and have gotten exactly what you expected out of your experience thus far. 

There are so many wonderful other traditions that come with four years at Taylor. Even if they don't all fit your personality, or if the event isn't your favorite activity in the world, you’ll never regret going and participating anyway! Be a part of the history and tradition of Taylor. Just have fun. How often can you say you ran through the snow with minimal clothing on or slept in the KSAC just to have a spot in line to see a basketball game where you dress up like Pitbull with 30 wing mates? College doesn’t last forever, so embrace the random things that come along with Taylor. These are the moments you will remember.