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You are the voice. We are the echo.
The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Sunday, Feb. 23, 2025
The Echo

Finsh strong, students

Five tips to an easy end of the semester

The end is on the horizon. Professors are trying to squeeze every last bit of information in before we head home for Thanksgiving. Semester projects and papers seem to be piling up and to do lists are doubling in size. In order to survive and possibly even thrive this season try to adopt these helpful tips.  

  1. Keep your space clean 

Organization is key. The less clutter you have, the easier it is to focus on what needs to get done. Try a 10-minute-tidy once a week. It's always helpful to start the week with things in order.  

  1. Manage your time 

Time management is something that most people struggle with at one time or another. There is always that project that you put off and it ends up taking longer than expected, leading to late nights and early morning homework. In order to avoid that, the skill of managing time is key. 

Set aside a block of time for homework each day. Put your phone away and find a place with no distraction. 

Lastly, in order for small tasks not to pile up and become overwhelming, follow the two-minute rule. This means that if something is going to take you two minutes or less, such as sending an email to a professor or printing something out, do it immediately. 

  1. Write a to-do list 

Plan your day in the morning. Writing things down will engrain then in your mind. There are few things better than crossing out things on your list.

  1. Break big projects down 

As the end of the semester approaches, so do final papers and projects that have been put off all semester. 

By taking one big item on your to do list and separating it into smaller, more manageable ones, the task becomes less daunting. 

  1. Take breaks

The stress of this time of the year can take a toll on personal health. Remember to look at the big picture. This is a unique time in life: take the time to hang out with your friends. Sometimes the best way to refocus is to go out and have some fun, say “yes” to Wendy's run, and then come back to the task at hand. 

By following these five tips, the end of the semester should be less intimidating and more achievable without any extra stress. 

A helpful trick I always ask myself is, “How will this affect me in a year,  or in five years?” By asking this simple question, it puts a lot of things into perspective. While you should always try your best, remind yourself it's just homework, it's just a paper, it's just school, it's just life—ultimately, everything will be fine.