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The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Sunday, Feb. 23, 2025
The Echo

A Triumphant band to visit Epworth UMC in Matthews

By Chrysa Keenon | Echo

It is not often that a quartet that has made the Top 40 as well as having six number 1 songs hit the charts comes to Matthews, Indiana. But for the Triumphant Quartet, it's all about paying back roots and creating a good time.

The Triumphant Quartet is made up of Eric Bennett, David Sutton, Clayton Inman and Scotty Inman, according to the band's website. Bennett said the group has been together since its humble beginnings in 2002. The group started out singing typical quartet music, which slowly began to grow into more of a ministry. Now, Bennett describes the group as both worship leaders as well as entertainers.

The band is based out of Tennessee, specifically the Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg area. The band has been touring since 2008, and according to Bennett, they are gone for nearly six months every year doing multiple events. In the past month, the band has traveled to states as far east as Pennsylvania and as far west as California, as well as reaching up north into Canada as well.

Triumphant Quartet has been voted the Fan Favorite Quartet of the year for a decade in Singing News Magazine, according to Damon Moorman ('03). As Webmaster and Concert Coordinator for Epworth United Methodist Church (Epworth UMC), Moorman believes bringing Triumphant to the church will be beneficial to everyone involved.

"I believe every concert we've had has had an impact on those that attend, and this one will be no exception," Moorman said. "People will be touched to the depths of their hearts and leave the concert with renewed spirits. The concert ministry has a wide outreach beyond the local community and we often have attendees come from out of state."

Epworth UMC has a maximum seating of 200, so Moorman believes the concert will be intimate and worshipful. This will be the third time Triumphant will be coming to the church to perform.

Bennett said part of the reason they are coming is to say hello to a friend within the church. The other part is to spread the word of God and lead a solid worship concert.

"You have to love what you do," Bennett said. "Hopefully there will be something at the concert that everybody there will enjoy."

According to Moorman, Epworth UMC is able to host large name concerts due to the budget provided by the Concert Outreach Ministry. There is one donation-based fundraising event each year, but the rest of the money comes purely through concert attendees. Moorman also believes God's grace comes into play as well.

Moorman said that the timing of Triumphant Quartet coming to this church was not planned around Homecoming Weekend at Taylor, but worked out well.

Westward Road, a gospel trio consisting of Scott, Kelli and Garrett Roberts will be featured as special guests in the concert. This family trio is based out of Indianapolis, according to the band's website.

The concert will be held on Thursday, Oct. 11 at 105 W 8th St. in Matthews. Doors open at 6 p.m., the concert begins at 7 p.m. Tickets will be sold for $10 for general admission and are available for purchase on the church's website.