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The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Monday, March 31, 2025
The Echo

Our View: Dashi or deli? Taylor community weighs in

Editorial Board | Echo

As was recently reported in The Echo, Dining Services decided to keep Dashi in the LaRita Boren Campus Center rather than switching it to a deli.

Sarah Glett orders a bowl from Dashi, which Dining Services has decided to keep this semester. (Photograph by Riley Hochstetler)

The Echo's Editorial Board recently took a vote on whether Dashi should remain or give way to a deli. The vote resulted in a 4-3 decision in favor of the deli, and the three votes for Dashi came with nuanced opinions. Because of this, the Editorial Board set forth to get insight from the Taylor community to see what people had to say.

The Echo formulated a survey to send out to the Taylor community to get feedback about the options. The survey was concise, only consisting of the respondent's email address, relation to Taylor and their choice between keeping Dashi or switching to a deli.

Five hundred thirty-one members of the Taylor community responded.

As can be seen, the Taylor community voted in favor of the deli option, 296 to 235.

Upon breaking down the results, Taylor students - undergraduate and MAHE combined - voted 255 to 193 in favor of a deli. Taylor faculty and staff members voted in favor of Dashi, 40 to 37.

Additionally, in a minor segment of the vote, parents and alumni combined to vote four votes to two in favor of a deli. Finally, one lone Dining Services employee, who works at the Campus Center, voted in favor of switching to a deli.

While our research results do not give a complete view of how the entire Taylor community feels, it is statistically a good sample size, and is likely representative of the community as a whole.

Our purpose in conducting such a survey is to provide a clearer picture for our community and, ultimately, for Dining Services to consider their decision in light of what our community has now said.

The opinions expressed in Our View columns reflect the views of The Echo Editorial Board, and not necessarily those of Taylor University.