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The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2025
The Echo

The host with the most fun

By Lauren Rink & Kassidy Weemhoff | Life & Times Co-Editors

As Community Life Scholarship weekend is upon us, many Taylor students will be hosting prospective high school students overnight. We have compiled a list of do's and don't to make your hosting experience as seamless as possible.


1. Ask lots of questions.

Being intentional is key in making your student's stay at Taylor impactful. When you have down time with your prospective student, ask them about their life. Where are they from? What are their hobbies? How is the college search going? Get to know them, you might see them on campus next year.

2. Make sure your room is clean and smells nice.

Just like you'd clean up if your crush was coming over, work to get your room in presentable shape. Take out the trash, make your bed and use that wall plug-in that's been sitting unopened for the past five months. It may only be for one night, but this is still a space for rest. It's your home, and it's theirs for the night, too.

3. Tell them your favorite things about Taylor and surrounding areas. Show them around campus!

Although you can't take your prospective student off campus, it's important to tell them what you have come to love about living in Upland. Tell them where your favorite place to study is or where you like to go for a late-night snack. Do they know Ivanhoe's has one hundred shake flavors? If they don't, enlighten them. They'll most likely be getting some form of a tour during their visit, but it doesn't hurt to give them a head start with your own version.

4. Chick-fil-A wins every time.

Eight piece nugget. Waffle fries. Chick-fil-A sauce. Lemonade. Enough said.

5. Wing/hall/school events? Take your student!

Give them a peek into campus life at Taylor, and show them what being enrolled here next year might look like. Intentional community is something Taylor does incredibly well, so use that to your advantage. Anything from a basketball game to a bro/sis worship night would allow the prospective student to understand better what Taylor's community is all about.

6. Pray for them.

There is no better way to show your student the presence of God here at Taylor than praying for them. Be an example of the good work going on and continue to be a light to someone who has yet to experience the love here. People always talk about the incredible, life-giving community here, but you are the application of the experience first hand.


1. Take them off campus.

Did you know that if your prospective student steps off campus, you immediately become liable for anything that happens to them? Never consider driving a student anywhere. This is risky business. Plus, the student came to Taylor to get a feel for the school, so amplify that opportunity.

2. Leave them in your room alone all evening.

Image how you would feel in this situation. A dorm is a new and scary place for a high school student because they're surrounded by strangers. Be considerate of them and make sure they understand what is expected of them.

3. Be boring. (If you need to study, give them something fun to do or ask a friend).

It is understandable that you might be busy on the night you are expected to host. However, there will be someone on your wing who is free. Maybe even your roommate. Find someone who can hang out with them, even if it is just for an hour or so. They will remember and treasure this time.

4. Complain about college.

You are trying to create the best possible atmosphere to experience Taylor. You don't want them going home thinking about how much work college is going to be. If anything, explain the education is difficult, but you know you will be prepared for your job and life after you graduate from Taylor. Maybe you've been working on homework for six hours, but focus on the positive.

5. Let them get lost.

Taylor's admissions office makes some beautiful schedules. However, these schedules are full of choices and locations the student and their parents have most likely never heard of before. Find out what they are interested in, and if you are free, offer to walk them to the class they want to sit in on. Never assume they know where they are going. Draw a map if it helps them.

6. Make them eat breakfast alone if you can help it.

Every student has breakfast planned into their schedule. For some it is mandatory, for others it might not be. Most students will want breakfast, so offer to go with them if you can. Or, see if your roommate or friends could go with them. The Hodson Dining Commons is scary and intimidating, especially if it is your first time there.