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You are the voice. We are the echo.
The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Sunday, Feb. 2, 2025
The Echo

Open House Reviews

By Gabby Carlson | Echo

These are the last open houses to be reviewed this school year! Stay tuned for the winner in next week's print edition of the Echo!

Red, White and Breu:

Decorations: 4

Floor Involvement: 3.5

Originality: 3.5

Overall: 3.75

Welcome to the NeighBreuhood:

Decorations: 3.5

Floor Involvement: 3.75

Originality: 4

Overall: 3.75

First Breu Game Show Open House:

Decorations: 3

Floor Involvement: 3

Originality: 3

Overall: 3

3C Wengatz Art Auction:

Decorations: 3.5

Wing Involvement: 3.5

Originality: 4

Overall: 3.75

English Happy Hour:

Decorations: 4

Wing: 3

Originality: 3.5

Overall: 3.5

FOSO Gerig:

Originality: 4

Decorations: 2

Wing: 3

Overall: 3